Kumpanija is an ancient warrior dance that originates from the old times of battles and the people’s will to defend their homeland and freedom.” War dance“better know as Kumpanija is an especially attractive sword dance.
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Kumpanija is performed exclusively on island Korčula. The main performance is every year on 19. of March, St. Josephs day, who is the patron saint of Vela Luka. The dance is accompanied by dialogue, music and drumming. The drummer passes through the town, collects the kumpanjole and informs the population of the performance. The dancers are dressed in old richly decorated costumes. They simulate combat with real swords and dancing movements. At the end of the fight, they are joined by girls dressed in old national costumes and together they dance “mafrina, tanac, pritilica, sega-sega and četiri pasa”. Kumpanija is traditions that radiates with beauty, patriotism, honour, faith and wish to maintain honour and pass it over to the new generations.
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In the past this dance was performed only on feast days and public holidays. Now days there are performances every Tuesday during the summer season (according to the program).
Join us and learn more about the traditional dancing heritage of Vela Luka.
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